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Congress Lipids & Cosmetics

4th edition


Poster communications open until January 5th, 2024
Call for Oral communications closed since September 12th

To submit an oral/poster abstract :
  1. Download the abstract template above
  2. Fill the template with the resume of your oral or poster communication, in accordance with the guidelines
  3. Fill in the form below, an upload your abstract template in the section "add an oral/poster", in accordance with one of the 4 topics of the congress
Congress Argument
Cosmetics lives with its times and constantly seeks to reinvent itself as consumer needs and expectations evolve. To the notions of pleasure, well-being and performance must now be systematically added those of the origin of the raw materials used and of naturalness. Moreover, the geopolitical and environmental changes complicate reliable sources of supply. Challenges faced by cosmetics are therefore numerous, mixing sciences, processes, sourcing, regulations, etc.
Since Antiquity, lipids have been the main ingredients used in the formulation of beauty products whether in their natural form of oils, fats or waxes or their derivatives, which benefit from numerous scientific and industrial advances. Their complex, varied and variable composition requires a perfect characterization in order to better understand their impact in formulation and their performance in application, but also allows to maintain a strong innovation process.
To propose to the consumer a high quality, the lipid materials used in cosmetic formulations must present a perfect stability in their composition, their smell and their colour and come from cultures and processes of extraction and purification eco-responsible.
But these new constraints favorthe appearance of new lipids from new plants, new biotechnological processes, the recovery of waste or even by-products offering cosmetologists immense possibilities for innovation.

The congress Lipids & Cosmetics will highlight 4 topics :

  • Innovations in the formulation of lipids
  • Physiological and cosmetic performance of lipids
  • New lipid raw materials
  • Lipids and environment
Add a abstract of my oral/poster communication, using the template below

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